Technical Seminars
A skilled and trained workforce is essential to improve bottom-line performance and make it easier to compete in the global marketplace. As a member of the Precision Metalforming Association (PMA), you and your colleagues can gain the knowledge and competencies needed to succeed by leveraging PMA's technical training programs and resources.
What's Next?
Make Better Stampings by Understanding How Sheet Metals Influence Formability Seminar
WED, SEP 18 2024 — THU, SEP 19 2024
Cleveland, OH & Virtual
- Properties and characteristics of common steel, aluminum, and stainless steel sheet alloys used in metal stampings
- Language of sheet metal forming
- Aligning the needs of the part with the capabilities of your metal supplier
- Smooth transition from tryout to production parts
- Approaches to problem solving
If you are not attending, but need to register others.
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