Training Funding Opportunities

Training Funding

Available Training Funding Options

Warren Buffet:
“Rule No. 1: Never lose money.
Rule No. 2: Don’t ever forget rule No. 1”

Training is critical for attracting and retaining employees, but do budget constraints sometimes hold you back? Do you find you’re “countersinking” down the rabbit hole of navigating the slew of funding opportunity websites? Let PMA help you find the funds available to offset the training costs often needed to develop and retain your employees.

It’s your money, use it (or lose it)!

Find Your Funds

Our state click-to-view resource will “show you the money” as to what grant opportunities are out there, along with links to your regional funding entities/opportunities.

ohio kentucky indiana illinois pennsylvania new-york new-hampshire massachusetts connecticut new-jersey north-carolina south-carolina tennessee missouri michigan wisconsin minnesota iowa kansas colorado utah california arizona texas florida nebraska mississippi virginia georgia

Click on your state to see what funds are available to you.

Federal and Regional Funds

PMA has assembled a list of federal and regional funds available. To access these member only resources, please log into your PMA account.

Funding from the PMA Educational Foundation (PMAEF)

Metalforming Micro-Grant Program

PMAEF allocates $15,000 each year for the Metalforming Micro-Grant Program to foster the growth and promotion of metalforming careers and initiatives. Funds are exclusive to PMA member companies.

The program aims to provide funding to member companies that implement projects or programs to enhance the public’s experience and exposure to manufacturing/metalforming careers in collaboration with MFG Day initiatives.

Grant cycle opens in early August and runs thru Manufacturing Month, the end of October.

Educational Scholarships

PMAEF and PMA’s districts offer scholarships of $1,000 or more to individuals seeking a career in the metalforming industry. Each award is for one year and will be granted based on committee review and academic merit.

These scholarships are available twice a year for fall and spring semesters.