

Member Spotlight - Dan Kendall

June 2017

Each month, the PMA Member Spotlight features an outstanding member sharing his/her insights into the latest industry trends and technologies.

Dan Kendall
PMA is pleased to highlight Dan Kendall, president, ABC Metals, Inc., Logansport, IN. ABC Metals is a service center specializing specializing in precision slit metal products.

Read Dan's thoughts about game-changing metalforming technology, what is on his wish list for his shop, and more!

Q: As PMA is celebrating its 75th anniversary in 2017, what do you value most from being a member?

A: The networking, which aligns me to the concerns of my peer leaders and consumers of our products and services. When networking is nested within the educational opportunities of PMA, it is a powerful influence toward future success.

Q: What is on your wish list for your shop this year and why?

A: Double-loop slitter to increase and expand our capability to process materials involved in ‘light weighting’ to USCAR standards. Thin, complex materials with advanced plating systems are increasing in demand as we see the ‘electrification’ of the United States advance.

Q: What do you see as a technology game-changer for metalformers?

A: All technologies that speed the delivery of products from conception to the consumer per their dynamic tastes. Technologies that feed ‘survival of the fastest’ not the ‘fittest.’

Q: What would be on the agenda of your ideal metalforming conference?

A: Introduction by a ‘futurist’ foretelling where the new markets will exist and what are dying markets, followed by commentaries from companies who are pioneers, and concluding with breakout sessions on how we can grow in the dynamics of the new world of manufacturing.

Q: What was the best piece of business advice you were ever given?

A: "When your vision, mission and values are clear and defined, decisions become simple."

Q: If you could have a dinner party with three famous people (living or dead), who would you invite?

A: 1. Jesus Christ
      2. Abraham Lincoln
      3. George Bailey (from Frank Capra’s ‘It’s a Wonderful Life,’ who learned that no man is a failure who has friends)

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